Monday, December 31, 2007

Bible colleges

I was thinking about Bible colleges yesterday (because I think I'd like to go to one someday) and this thought popped into my head:

Why do people have to pay to learn at a Bible college what they should be able to learn for free in a church???

It seems wrong to me. In the early church there were no such things as Bible colleges -- everyone just learned from each other within the churches. So why do we need special (expensive) institutions to teach us what we should be learning at church?

And more importantly, what can we do about it?

I guess that's just yet another thing for me to ponder. (Sigh...)

I found yet, yet another thing for me to ponder when I was reading a Christian newsletter/newspaper thing my dad had picked up at church. Going through it, I came across a photo of a starving African boy, the thinnest kid I have ever seen in my life. His legs (including his thighs) were as thin as my arms!!! Now of course everyone knows that that kind of thing happens. But I don't know about you, but seeing pictures of sad-eyed kids who are literally skin and bones just rips at my heart the way facts and figures can't. I want to do something to help, and I intend to donate some money to World Vision (which I've been meaning to do for a long time), but somehow it doesn't seem like much.

And then of course, third-world countries aren't the only places where there's poverty and hunger and sickness and hopelessness. What about closer to home? How can I make a difference right here in my own country?

Again, I think this is something churches need to do -- and I'm sure many do. But I'd like to see my own church do more than just sending money to missionaries. We should be reaching out to our own communities. And I'd feel a whole heap better if I had someone to lead me, because I don't know how to help on my own!

I guess I should talk to my pastor and find out what exactly our church is doing for our communities. Sigh (again). I suppose if we aren't doing anything the right thing for me to do would be to suggest we set something up...

Maybe I was right about that whole reformer thing.


...But after all, I did want to know how I could help!

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